Nastasya Filippovna

Title : Nastasya Filippovna
Details : Acrylic painting on canvas , 800X700
Description: Imaginary literary portrait based on Fyodor Dostoevsky's 'The Idiot'
Frame : Framed
 not for sale
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Besides the comments below appreciation also comes from:
Jana Forana, USA; Zoe, Canada; Mina Nurek, USA; Rebecca Cruz, Mexico; Betty Crawford, Canada; David Schwarzkopf, Belgium; Frau k, Germany; Helen, UK; Nicholas Weed, USA; Amber Scott , USA; SC, USA; Wesley Morgan, USA
; Wesley M, USA
Poor Nastassya, she endured so much! I love the wild and windswept look of the entire painting. To me, it represents all of the wandering back and forth she did between the men, and her indecision and loss of direction as a result.
Naomi Reynolds, USA
The paintings you have done for these are just amazing. I really do love them. This one in particular strikes me, I think because of the colors you have used on her skin and maybe the way her hair is flying, or the background...Okay, I love all of it.
Susana, USA, Sept 10
The touches of red, especially around the bosom, do well at hinting at some sort of sexual immorality, and the pose, too, hints at how easily she is swayed back and forth by society...this seems like a reference to the Biblical metaphor that a person who is swayed back and forth like a reed in the wind is of no use to the kingdom of Heaven. Still, there seems to be a little bit of fear in her expression, something that evokes one to want to reach out as Myshkin hoped to, to save and redeem her. That to me shows that you succeeded with this. Oh...and maybe I'm wrong, but the fact that the "wind" blowing against her is green, the color of envy, certainly suggests Rogozhin's dark desire that eventually kills her.
M.A., Nov 06
I love it. It's like she is a kite...blowing away. Beautiful work. And I love the blue.
- Sarah Barley, USA, April 04
I love the green paint strokes in the backround, and the way her eyes seem to flow into them.
good job!
- Kate, USA, Dec 04
oh ! love everything about it
-Basil Chatelain , Switzerland, Dec 03
I like it! Love how the medium brings out all the lovely textures! Then there's the colours, the character is very well done by the way, such a mournful mood behind it, to me perhaps, anyhow. Good stuff, keep it up!
-Jayden Leigh Scholz , Australia , Dec 03